Join our network community

Our Network represents over 40 government, non-governmental and community agencies working together to end family violence in Whanganui. We would love to have you join us!

If you are working in any capacity of Whanganui family violence prevention and service provision, you are most definitely welcome to become part of our supportive community.

​Working in our sector is demanding. Getting together once a month for interactive support, discussion and professional nourishment is so good for the soul.

What happens at our meetings?

Our meetings are run from St Paul’s Church and usually run for about 90 minutes. We get through a lot in that time! If you’ve never been to one of our meetings before, here’s what you can expect:

  • Hot-topic discussion. We discuss any new relevant industry policies, legislation and information
  • Relevant guest speakers. Always topical and invigorating talks
  • Agency collaboration opportunities.  We engage in a lot of ‘what’s on top’ agency information sharing. This typically generates a lot of discussion and often results in new cross-agency interaction and project partnership connections.
  • Magical networking. This is often where the alchemy happens! It’s amazing what can transpire over morning tea…

If you would like to attend one of our monthly meetings, please contact the coordinator on 022 541 8747 or email us here.